Strategic Storytelling

Brand Storytelling

Helping clients define the positioning and vision for their brand — and then focusing, inspiring and unlocking the human energy needed to realize it — by blending the rigour of strategic planning with the magic of storytelling.

Online Storytelling Training

If your organization has a larger group who could benefit from our Leadership Through Storytelling training, consider a customized version of our online workshops. We work with you to tailor this training to your company, the participants, and the unique opportunities and challenges they face.

Presentation Skills Training

The Effective Presentation Skills workshop combines subject matter presentation, group discussions, live and video examples, and individual reflection. Participants are going through illuminating exercises to hone their approach, develop their content, and strengthen their delivery.

Public Speaking and Keynotes

Delivering keynote presentations or breakout talks about using the timeless power of storytelling to connect people to your brand, improve your leadership communications, or build employee engagement and organizational culture.

Storytelling Training

Training managers, executives, sales people and others on how to use storytelling to improve the impact and uptake of your communications and, with that, your ability to influence, persuade and inspire your people.

 Without a story, there is no larger picture to make information meaningful. Without a story, we retreat to just the facts. A story that resonates helps us to deeply believe in ourselves, individually and collectively, and in the vision for the collective experience. 

Harvard Business Review “Why You Need a Story”

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