Effective Presentation Skills Training

Become a more competent, convincing, and comfortable presenter and public speaker.

Presentation skills, like any skill, can be learned through instruction, sharpened through training, and perfected through practice. Develop stronger, more confident presenters in your organization today!

Presenting & Public Speaking: A Big Opportunity and Fear

Presenting is a paradox for many. On one hand, being a strong presenter can be a powerful professional differentiator. On the other hand, it is also the biggest fear among adults, crippling many of us with nerves and preventing us from putting our best foot forward. To conquer those demons, a presenter must not only have better delivery of their presentation, but also better thinking and development of it.

Our Presentation Skills Training Will Teach You How To:

  • Study an audience before a presentation and read an audience during one.
  • Strategically focus content to deliver on objectives and resonate with the audience.
  • Build more “storied” presentations that have a strong theme, focus, and flow.
  • Have leadership presence, grabbing an audience’s attention and holding it.
  • Present more confidently, working through nerves, disruptions, and common pitfalls.

Effective Presentation Skills Training: Format and Participants

The Effective Presentation Skills workshop combines subject matter presentation, group discussions, live and video examples, and individual reflection. And in true workshop fashion, participants are put to work throughout it, going through illuminating exercises to hone their approach, develop their content, and strengthen their delivery.
This stimulating training is relevant to anyone who has to present as part of their job. It’s proven effective for managers, executives, sales people, lawyers, scientists, engineers, creatives, finance directors, and others. The workshop is typically taught by BB&Co founder, Bill Baker, who is himself a seasoned presenter and in-demand public speaker.

Just a Few of the Organizations We Provide Training For:

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