Presentation Skills Training

Learn how to use storytelling in business presentations, become a more confident public speaker and a more persuasive presenter.

This engaging, interactive presentation skills training course teaches professionals how use storytelling in business presentations, take a more storied approach to presentation content, and become stronger presenters.



Business Presentations: a Big Opportunity and a Huge Fear

Presenting is a paradox for many professionals. On one hand, it’s a necessary activity for many of us and familiar part of our jobs. On the other hand, making presentations or public speaking is one of the biggest fears among adults, crippling many of us with nerves and self-doubt and preventing us from putting our best foot forward.

Our presentation skills training is specifically designed to address and overcome these mental and emotional hurdles, ensuring participants are not only more comfortable at delivering presentations, but also more competent in strategizing and creating them.

Our Presentation Skills Training Teaches Professionals How To:

  • Strategically study an audience before a presentation and read an audience during one, using that insight to effectively tailor the content and delivery to them.
  • Build more “storied” business presentation content that is cohesive and focused, establishes a galvanizing theme, conveys key messages, and contains a relatable human element.
  • Position complex technologies or data effectively, making sure the subject matter resonates with an audience, especially those who don’t share the same knowledge and expertise.
  • Strengthen presentation performance (in-person and online), establishing stronger leadership presence, connecting with the audience, holding their attention and creating more memorable experiences for them.
  • Work through common presentation challenges and pitfalls, such as managing nerves, dealing with tough questions or disruptions, creating over-crowded or-unappealing slide support, starting and finishing strongly, adjusting to online delivery platforms, etc.

Strengthen Presentation Performance, In-Person or Online

While presentation content is important, presentation delivery can be even more so. You could have the greatest content in the world, but if you’re presenting it poorly (zero energy, monotone voice, no connection with the audience, etc.), no one will embrace or remember that content, or you.

Presenting is really a performance, and to strengthen that performance we focus on five key drivers (Energy, Presence, Voice, Movement, Connections) that are easy to understand, practice and apply. In the end, participants appreciate the importance of great delivery; know what it looks, sounds and feels like; and understand how they, with just a little bit of effort, can achieve it.

This stimulating training can be conducted in-person or online, in English or French. It is relevant to anyone who has to present as part of their job. It’s proven effective for sales people, managers, executives, scientists, engineers, lawyers, creatives, finance directors, and others. The workshop is typically taught by BB&Co founder, Bill Baker, who is himself a seasoned presenter and in-demand public speaker.

Hear What Presentation Skills Training Participants Have to Say

 Bill is a pivotal partner in our business development efforts. We've gained significantly from his expertise and, in particular, his immersive storytelling and presentation skills training workshops. With practical corporate experience and his unique personal approach, Bill leaves a lasting impression on our team members. His training has enhanced our their confidence and competence engaging clients and has led to clear, positive outcomes in our business. 
Tim Herbst

Senior VP / ICF International

 Public speaking, creating decks, and storytelling in business presentations are not natural fortes or comfort areas for me. So, I registered for Bill’s Business Storytelling and Presentation Skills Training to push myself and get better. Said simply, I learned so much from Bill! His content flowed well, the dots connected, and the exercises were always practical, enlightening, and fun. Importantly, the learnings are real, and I was able to immediately apply them in developing and delivering my next presentation. Thank you for this great course! 
Helen Wynne

Senior Program Manager / Cisco

 As an introvert, storytelling and public speaking are two things I dread. Bill’s storytelling training session changed all that. His tremendous presentation, relatable stories, and series of constructive exercises has made us all better storytellers…and made me much more comfortable sharing a story and motivating others through storytelling. There’s isn’t anyone who wouldn’t benefit from Bill’s training. 
Michael Melzer

Associate General Counsel / The Coca-Cola Company

Just a Few of the Organizations We Provide Presentation Skills Training For

  • Cisco logo - business storytelling training
  • Coca Cola logo - storytelling training
  • Irvine Company - storyteller workshop client
  • telus logo - storytelling training client

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